Friday, June 5, 2009

Sweet week

Tuesday night I cooked for our visiting dignitary, MW, and made my favorite dish from a magazine. In fact, I almost never like recipes in magazines because they are either too complicated or don't taste the way you think they should.

This one, from Vegetarian Times in Jan. of this year, is an amazing roasted sweet potatoes and broccoli dish tossed with a tangy dressing of orange juice, soy sauce, and sesame seeds. It's so good I always want to lick out the bowl. We had that with greens and tempeh served over rice. I cooked the tempeh first, ala tempeh bacon, and then it was crispier in the stir fry. I'd have to get MW's opinion to confirm but I think it was a good combination.

Wed. night was pasta night which lived up to its tradition. Thursday night was finally taco noche, which we have not done in a long while. We ate frozen tamales and pinto beans on tortillas with salad mix. Nice and simple and required only the minimum of use of the heat producing stove.

Friday night required even less effort: Leftovers! We ate the rest of the curry that I made on Monday with a brown and wild rice mix, served with a summer solstice beer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Would you please come to our house one night and cook?!