I've been sick and we've been busy so we've been eating lots of leftovers (or eating take out). Friday night was leftover soup from a few days before plus one of those pot pies (Peasant Pies, I think?) Saturday night I made another soup with the yin yang beans. They ended up keeping their yin-yang ness in the soup which was quite nice though they lost some color, more brown and cream now than black and white.

Then I got the stomach flu but not before I had a chance to eat strawberry pancakes Sunday morning. I even tried putting some chopped strawberries into the batter for the last couple. (Note to self: cut the strawberries much smaller for the batter.)

Sunday night was take out because I was watching a True Blood marathon. Monday night was take out because I was sick and too tired to make anything.

And tonight is leftover soup. The key to good leftovers is adding something new. I've added parsley and sauted collards to tonight's soup. I've also made a quick batch of sliced potatoes, baked in the oven with rosemary (from the garden), parsley, and soy sauce.
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