Tuesday night was polenta, which Dandelion the Bitter Green claims I never make correctly. Apparently it requires hours of stirring, worse than risotto. I can't be bothered so as soon as it looks remotely done I take it off the stove. But the other night I was apparently getting better at it because he didn't make a face when he saw what I had done. (The other main difference is that I usually do the 2 to 1 ratio for water to grain, which works great with rice, but not so much with polenta. Polenta needs way more water according to some people. On Tuesday I started with a 3 to 1 ratio and then he added a bit more when he took over the stirring. It seemed golden and delicious to me.)
The polenta was served with black eyed peas, cooked in a cast iron pot with garlic, onions, and soy sauce. Simple, but interesting enough to make me actually like black eyed peas, which I never have before. (Dandelion the Bitter Green bought them, not me. I would never have touched them if they weren't already here and needing to be used.) Plus a simple stir-fry of veggies.
Speaking of stir-fries I had a brilliant idea in my yoga class last night for what to make for dinner. Yoga is frequently when I have brilliant ideas so I'm not totally surprised but then I had to spend the rest of class time a) remembering it so that I didn't get home and think, now, what was I going to make? and b) salivating over what I was going to make because I was super hungry. My new innovation: walnuts! And cooking the tofu until crisp on its own. I added both of these to my standard carrots, broccoli, kale stir-fry and it was awesome. Added soba noodles and was quite happy.

Tonight is falafel from our local place. Not the best falafel in the world but definitely the closest.
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