For now, a quick list of what I've been eating. It's likely to be frozen pizzas and take out once the real novel writing starts because time spent cooking is time I should be writing. Hence the chance the procrastinate and write a blog, cook a meal, or, gasp, eat dinner at an actual table.
Friday night: Steamed veggies (carrots, bok choy, and purple kale) tossed with vinegar and oil, served with rice and lentils.

Saturday night was Halloween so we ate burritos from Papalote's after wandering a small section of the city in our fancy costumes. This is the best burrito place in town, especially if you are a vegetarian. Tofu mole, actual vegetables, soy chorizo-- these guys have everything a vegan could want and more.
Sunday: pancakes for brunch and a red lentil cauliflower curry for dinner. With a side of purple kale over brown rice.

Monday: Brussel Sprouts! If you are not a fan of the b. sprouts you really should be. When cooked well they are some of the most delicious vegetables ever. I seriously can't get enough. This recipe was simple and from Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything Vegetarian. (Buy it! Support my company!) We ate it with a shitake and rice dish which totally reminded me of Japan. I have no idea how Dandelion the Bitter Green did it so I can only say it was delicious and a fabulous combination.

Brussel Sprouts with Garlic
1 lb sprouts, ends cut off and cut in half
about 5 cloves of garlic
some olive oil
Heat the oil in an oven proof pan (cast iron works great for this), add the brussel sprouts in one layer cut side down. (If you can get them all in one layer you must have a really big pan! Mine did not fit so I had to do more stirring than he recommends but it still worked.) Let them cook until brown on the cut side. Then add the garlic, stir and toss in the oven (which you very intelligently pre-heated to 400 degrees.) Stir every ten minutes and cook for a total of 20-30 minutes. The brussel sprouts come out soft, sweet, and tasty. I had to stop myself from eating them all that one night.
Tuesday was more leftovers because that cauliflower curry makes a lot of food.
Wednesday was an attempt to use leftover rice in some more interesting way. For once, as sometimes happens, I didn't like what I made. It was rice with carrots, kale, and almonds. But it was boring and had no flavor. I also made roasted sweet potatoes and red potatoes with thyme. That dish was good but didn't make up for the other one which of course made a huge amount and I will be eating it all weekend.

Thursday: I tried to fix the dish from last night (since I have so much of it I can't let it go to waste) and it worked much better. I heated up a skillet with a little water. Added the rice dish and some soy sauce and then added two spoonfuls of almond butter and a touch more water. Stirred it up until it was all coated and was very happy with the results. Day 2 = Success!
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