The next night we ate leftovers. The day after that we made soup. Here is the pre-soup ingredients: mushrooms, carrots, burdock, and parsley. Plus some heirloom Anasazi beans.

And the excessive vegan cupcakes made by the Cheerful Baker from recipes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World.

A simple dinner of brown rice with broccoli. Served with leftover soup.

And finally the quinoa dinner. Served with Anasazi beans and roasted kabocha slices. The quinoa also had carrots and bok choy tossed in while cooking.

The trick to quinoa is that you either have to wash it really, really well (and drain with a fine mesh strainer) or you can use my method which is easier. This is because quinoa has a natural coating which is kind of bitter and soapy tasting. Therefore you want to wash it well so that it tastes good instead. Or you can roast it in a pan before adding the water as described below.
Take one cup of quinoa, heat up some oil in a skillet pan (or a frying pan with deep sides). If you want you can cut up some garlic or onions and add them now. Let them get nice and brown.
Then add the quinoa. Let it roast in the pan (stirring frequently) until it starts to pop and smells toasted (1-2 min). Once it reaches that magic toasted point you can put in the water (or stock), usually 2 cups. Stir it up, cover the pan and let simmer, checking occasionally, for about 15 minutes or until all the liquid is absorbed. Towards the middle of that cooking time you can add veggies or beans to the quinoa to make an awesome one-pot meal. I like this method because then there are fewer pots to clean. This makes enough for about 3-4 people, depending on what else you are serving with it.
Pasta night, made entirely by Dandelion the Bitter Green because I had a bike accident that evening and didn't feel up to cooking.

Tonight: Roasted broccoli and sweet potatoes with brown rice and lentils.

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