Things I have learned this week: 1) I don't like daikon, that big white Japanese radish. I've tried now several times and I'm giving up. 2) I finally learned how to use the wok the way God intended. It came with this odd round disk that I wasn't sure what to do with. Apparently you put that on the bottom (over the burner) so that the wok stays upright and still. Amazing! Now it might be worth using it occasionally. 3) Staying up late to hull strawberries may not be the best use of my time. (But I can't resist the deals at the farmer's market and end up with far too many: 1/2 flat for 7 bucks this week!) 4) Following recipes can sometimes be a good thing. The dressing I made for Saturday night's rice salad made me want to lick the plate. (Thanks Veganomicon!)
Tuesday night I made fried rice in the wok, though I added shredded daikon to it which it turns out I don't like. So I was disappointed even though I had used a ton of delicious fresh vegetables. Thankfully Dandelion the Bitter Green liked it so it didn't go to waste.

Wednesday night was pasta night with sauteed broccoli, carrots and kale. Served with tofu that was marinated and browned in its own dish.

Thursday night was Taco Noche. Brown rice and corn tortillas with pinto beans, broiled zucchini, carrots, and onions, served with avocado and salad greens.

Friday night was a savory tempeh dish with steamed kale, carrots, and broccoli served with brown rice. Dandelion the Bitter Green made this one while I was out and it was so delicious!

Saturday night was the rest of the rice, leftover steamed veggies, and a can of cannelini beans tossed with a Mediterranean dressing from Veganomicon (essentially olive oil, lemon juice, and herbs), served over salad greens.