I thought I'd do a quick update before we leave for MN and probably a lot of takeout food. Monday I made my first official recipe from Veganomicon. Sesame bok choy with crispy shallots. It was quite good. Served with roasted potatoes and broccoli and our traditional rice and lentils. Oh, and an exciting wakame and sunflower seeds salad. It's been a while since we made one of those and it was so worth it.

Tuesday was a leftover soup. That's not soup that's leftover but a soup made out of leftovers. It was mostly carrots, a little rutabaga, and the final remains of the rice and lentils, the roasted potatoes, and the delicious wakame and sunflower seed salad. As far as a soup-made-out-of-leftovers goes it was good. I didn't like the consistency of the carrots because these were a weird farmer's marker heirloom variety but Dandelion the Bitter Green didn't see anything wrong with it. And it was fine the next day with a bit of salad greens and some mochi (the kind you bake in the oven).

I also made granola last night. It's the best granola recipe ever, not too sweet and you can put whatever you like it. When Dandelion the Bitter Green goes on tour he takes it with and it's quite popular with the band mates. (Not as popular as the vegan rice krispie treats, but that's for another post.) I'll include the recipe below since it's based on one from a 70s macro cookbook but it's so revised now by me that I would consider this my version. And tonight is pizza before we get on the plane. I think we'll be happy to have the granola with us (and probably the rest of the pizza too.)

Best Granola in the World
3 cups oats
1 cup almonds
1 cup walnuts (broken into small pieces)
1/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup coconut
1/4 cup (or more) cashews
1/2 cup brown rice syrup
1/3 cup oil
dash of vanilla
pinch of salt
Mix all the ingredients together until everything is coated. Spread out on a cookie sheet and bake at 300 or 325. (Note: I tried a higher temperature this time because I was using the oven for something else at the same time and the granola burned. Don't do that.) You'll have to stir it every ten minutes or so for about an hour, until it stops being so sticky and starts feeling like granola. Once it's cool you can add raisins and such if you like that kind of thing.
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