So, I'm getting a divorce from Dandelion the Bitter Green, my husband of ten years and best friend for the last fourteen. I'd like to say that food is helping me deal with the grief but I'm not sure that's entirely true. Sometimes I can barely taste it. I haven't been cooking as much and I can tell that my body is unhappy with my choices. (Because really, who thinks that eating popcorn and an ice cream sandwich for dinner is nutritious?) I know I need to start eating healthily again but right now my body just craves fat: milk shakes, cheese, avocados... In an effort to indulge that desire I've made fake cheese sauces, eaten things that came in cans, and tried to not let the vegetables I buy at the farmer's market rot.
My favorite thing to make has been roasted vegetables. It requires little effort (simply cut the veggies you want and throw them on a pan) and frees up more time for important activities (crying, dividing up stuff, more crying).

I also made sourdough biscuits at some point. Sadly one of my sourdough starters (that was from my dad's which was over 20 years old and from the original in Jackson WY which was over a hundred years old which I had had for at least nine years) died. Trust me that you will know when sourdough has gone bad. (Unless of course you like blue cheese and then you might think it's good.) We used to make sourdough pancakes every weekend as a way to keep the starters in use. That obviously hasn't happened in a while and hence the death. But the biscuits were made with the rye starter and a bit of sage to add some interest. I had also made strawberry jam for my first attempt at jam ever! It's freezer jam, so no pectin, and essentially mashed berries with lemon juice and a little sugar. This is a picture of the biscuits with roasted vegetables.

I ate things from a can. I bought cans of refried beans which I normally never do (because it's so easy to make yourself and so much cheaper!) But sometimes convenience and ease win over effort and righteousness. Here is a picture of refried beans, roasted veggies (surprise!) in a tortilla. Pretty sure there was an avocado in there too.

Then I made pasta with cheese sauce, a nutritional yeast sauce with mustard and lemon juice from Veganomicon. It's an awesome sauce and great on pasta. I was even lazy enough that I cooked the vegetables (snap peas and carrots) in with the pasta, and added some store-bought baked tofu. I ate this for almost a week.

I've spent a lot of time in my apartment recently so I went camping. It was nice to be outside, some place else, and alone. I read vampire novels and watched the sun set. I also made macrobiotic ramen from a bag. No, this is not the ramen you ate in college that you could buy by the case. This is spelt pasta ramen from Japan with miso flavoring and it costs 4 dollars a pack! But it was delicious after the long hike up the ridge.

Tonight I've made a casserole from broccoli polenta (thanks Veganomicon!) with a layer of stir-fried (not roasted!) veggies and pinto beans and the last of the cheese sauce. It's satisfying in a casserole type of way and will hopefully last all week.

And here are some pictures of the things that keep me getting up in the morning.

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