And I'm super excited to post the recipe for the most delicious curry I've ever made! That's what I ate last Wednesday and is now its official title. Squash, cauliflower and coconut milk = yum! Served with a side of sauted baby bok choy and a dash of parsley.

Thursday night we had what tonight I called my standard dish. Rice and lentils with roasted veggies, served with a side of grilled mushrooms and chard.

Friday night I think we had leftovers. Saturday night I made Barley and White Bean soup in the pressure cooker. Lots of root veggies perfectly cooked by the pressure cooker. Love that thing!

Sunday was the first day of Dandelion the Bitter Green's new schedule so no pancakes for brunch. I know, I probably shouldn't be eating pancakes every Sunday anyway so maybe this is a good thing. But it was a good way to use my sourdough starter each week. The alternative is that I'll have to make bread more often, though sourdough bread tends to require a lot of time. I'll have to work on this. Sunday night I made buckwheat with seitan and onions and the roasted sweet potatoes and broccoli dish that I always rave about, with the orange- tamari dressing. This time I used a lime for the dressing but it was still delicious.

Monday night we had polenta with bits of seitan, and a pinto bean, red cabbage, chard and carrot stir fry.

Tuesday night we ate pizza while we did laundry. Because some days are like that. Even in Australia.
Wednesday I made my standard again: rice and lentils with roasted veggies, now with more brussel sprouts! I also made the magic almond butter- miso sauce. So good!

The Best Curry Ever aka Squash and Cauliflower Coconut Milk Curry
1 small butternut squash, seeded, peeled and diced into cubes
1 medium size cauliflower, cut into florets
1 onion, diced
a couple cloves of garlic, diced or crushed
1 tsp fresh ginger (optional)
1 can coconut milk
1 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp paprika (optional)
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1 lime
(Note: You can add whatever curry spices you like or only use the curry powder or go whole hog and do it all by scratch. I just happened to have curry powder this time so I used it.)
Saute the onions in some olive oil. When they start to brown add the garlic and ginger (if using). Cook the garlic for a few moments and then add the cumin seeds, curry powder and other spices. Next add the cauliflower and cook until it wilts a little, maybe 3-5 minutes. Then add the squash. You might need to add a little water at this point to keep everything from sticking to your pan. That's ok if you do, just don't overdo it. Cook the squash for a few minutes and then add the coconut milk. Turn the heat down to simmer and let it cook until the squash is tender, about 20-25 min. Once it's cooked, take it off the heat and stir in the juice of one lime. Serve garnished with sauted greens and parsley.
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