Thursday was a rice and lentils day with carrots, cauliflower, and bok choy. Served with my favorite quick and dirty dish: broiled tofu! (Thanks Veganomicon!)

Friday I went to LA for a yoga event, so I ate a sandwich in the car on the way down. Yum.
Saturday in LA I ate at the M Cafe. Highly recommend it. I had a seitan cutlet served over rice and veggies. I was so hungry and excited for the excellent food that I forgot to take a picture. The one negative comment I have for them: the chocolate cupcake was delicious but the frosting sucked. Since half the point of a cupcake is the frosting it was very disappointing.
Sunday morning we had brunch at Real Food Daily. I had a gluten-free waffle with soy-whipped cream and strawberries. It was served with tempeh bacon and hashbrowns. The one negative comment for them: the tempeh bacon was so salty that it really tasted like bacon but I couldn't eat more than one piece. That's too bad because it was delicious in some ways and I had three pieces on my plate. And I appreciated that it was homemade tempeh bacon, not from some pre-flavored package a la Herbivore. Still, I should be able to finish my bacon.

Monday night we had squash soup with a secret ingredient of black-eyed peas. Served with rice this was a delicious soup made by Dandelion the Bitter Green.

Tuesday last week we made buckwheat and a red lentil pate. This was served with a burdock, carrot, and broccoli kimpira.

Wednesday: more soup leftovers with rice and baby bok choy.

Thursday was quinoa served over salad greens tossed with kale, carrots, and broccoli. Special ingredient: fresh walnuts from the farmer's market!

Friday night we ate snacks for dinner. Yep, we really did.
Saturday I tossed all the leftovers into one pot and made something with broccoli, carrots, buckwheat, and quinoa. We served it with a fresh batch of broiled tofu to liven it up.

Sunday night we had burritos. Tonight we're having falafel. Yes, that's what happens sometimes when it's quick and dirty month.