Last Friday Dandelion the Bitter Green had a show so I made a simple dinner of rice and lentils with steamed broccoli and our favorite almond butter sauce.

The recipe for almond butter sauce:
Bring a small amount of water (less than a 1/4 cup) to an almost boil.
Add 2 or 3 spoonfuls of almond butter. (I like crunchy but whatever.)
Add 1 or 2 spoonfuls of miso (usually white, "mellow" miso but you could also use a dark miso, like red, barley, or rice).
Add a dash of soy sauce.
Add a dash of sweetener (brown rice syrup is preferred but you could use honey or maple syrup too.)
Mix it all together until it's sauce-like. If it's too thick add more water, but very small amounts. If it's too thin, too bad.
Saturday night I think I ate nothing but popcorn and beer. Yes, living the healthy life style here.
Sunday morning we went to an early morning yoga class and then came back and had a tofu scramble with sweet potato hash browns. We ate it with some not so good bread that we bought which inspired me to try to make my own bread: whole wheat molasses. It was so much fun and delicious that I highly recommend everyone try it. I think I actually squealed when I punched down the dough. Such a great tactical experience.

Monday night was the red lentil cauliflower curry that I've made before plus steamed chard with lemon. This led to Tuesday night deciding to make roti, a whole wheat Indian flatbread. The recipe claimed it would only take 30 minutes. I had barely an hour before a booksigning and I only had time to make the dough and roll it out, not bake it. It was quite delicious especially with the leftover curry, but still, Veganomicon, don't lie to me! 30 minutes is quite different from the hour and half or more that it took me to make them.

Tonight, leftover rice, a stir fry of broccoli and carrots with a lovely broiled tofu (lime flavor this time).

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