Monday, July 27, 2009


I know I should be working and that tomorrow I will regret that I got so little done today. However I thought I should share the most delicious dessert I've had in a while. (And, no, it is not the strawberry rhubarb pie/soup I made last week. That was an absolute failure in firmness. What gives, arrowroot?)

This is a picture of the strawberry cheesecake (vegan) that I had at Weird Fish last week. So amazing! We were marveling over how great it was-- even if you weren't vegan! (Shocking!) But that's the goal, right? To be able to wow omnivores with the awesomeness of vegan food. This dish would be able to do it. (Though not with the catchy title the waitress said someone had suggested: Soy-curd cake!)

[Photo courtesy of Scott Walker.]

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