I had several awesome drinks as well. A Strawberry Snap (black pepper infused vodka, strawberry puree, ginger agave, Proccesco) and vodka added to a Blueberry Smash (muddled blueberries, lemonade and something else). Oh, and a dark chocolate cheesecake for dessert.

After all that rich food we made a very simple dinner on Sunday. Brown rice and lentils (hurrah!) with roasted broccoli and carrots.

Monday night was me trying to follow a recipe without having all the ingredients. A split pea soup became a split mung beans and carrot soup. But it did have homemade croutons which were totally easy and delicious. (Recipe from Macrobiotics for Dummies)

Tuesday was another recipe night. (I was obviously feeling brave this week.) Red lentil cauliflower curry from Veganomicon. Delicious even when (again!) I didn't quite have all the right ingredients.

That lasted through Wednesday (and maybe into the weekend!) Tonight will be a simple meal of a salad, toasted buckwheat, steamed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots), and adzuki beans all tossed with vinegar and oil.