Feast, or famine, or takeout. The last few days have been either leftovers, takeout, or a veritable feast of which I only made one of the many delicious things on my plate. (Such is the advantage of a potluck.) And to boot, I didn't even really make the one thing I am claiming to have made. Dandelion the Bitter Green made it, it being a brown rice salad with snap peas, broccoli, carrots and sunflower seeds. All I had to do was add some lemon juice and scoop it into an appropriate tupperware for transport. The other dishes that night: corn on the cob, potato salad, carrot salad, dahl, daikon pickles, and gingery kale. Plus vegan chocolate cupcakes and/or peach cobbler for dessert. So much food, so many people, such a good time!

To make up for all of that tonight I have spent about two hours making dinner which I haven't even tried yet. Red lentil and cauliflower curry with brown rice and blanched kale. I'm not usually a good curry person but I followed a recipe so hopefully that is a good sign. The recipe is from my new favorite cookbook
Veganomicon. I trust that it will turn out beautifully (even though I had to substitute a few ingredients.)

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