Monday seems to always be soup night. I have no problem with that and it's a great way to use up leftovers. Tonight: Creamy Cauliflower Soup (with leftover rice and beans).

Last night was a faux-Mexican meal (because that's my favorite food in the world probably). Pinto beans fried up with onions and miso. Tofu-rizo (because my local fav burrito place includes an awesome soyrizo on their burritos which I like but it would probably scare me to know the ingredients.) Brown rice with toasted sesame seeds (to fancy it up). Greens and leftover roasted veggies (a burrito is just not a burrito without veggies!) Admittedly there was no tortilla outer wrapping but I always end up taking it off anyway. Even the whole wheat ones are too much. So a burrito sans-burrito-ness.

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