Have I mentioned yet our new pressure cooker- "the Mercedes Benz of pressure cookers"? I was skeptical for a long time. I mean, really, how much difference can a pressure cooker really make? Yes, you can cook things faster but that's never seemed like a deal breaker before and damn, they're expensive! But now that I have one I am totally sold. It takes 15 minutes to cook garbanzo beans! Hummus is finally a reality for us without paying 5 dollars per container! (Damn you Wildwood for raising your prices! $4.99 for hummus is freaking ridiculous!) Not only does everything cook faster (which is so amazing- brown rice in 20 minutes!) but it tastes better too. I thought I was doing fine on the cooking front, especially as far as taste is concerned. Things tasted great to me, no complaints from friends or family either. SO what's the big deal? The pressure cooker makes them taste better. I can actually taste carrots and they taste great! Not boring and carrot like. They have life to them that is really exceptional and amazing that I've never had food taste like this before.
So tonight for dinner we had little time and motivation but felt the need to cook. Tomorrow night will be busy so we might end up eating out and twice in a row can be a bit much. Butternut squash with carrots (4 minutes), broccoli and kale (3 minutes), and brown rice and lentils (15 minutes). A miso-tahini-lemon sauce (mixed together in about 2 minutes). The squash was very well cooked as was the broccoli so maybe next time we'll go for an even shorted amount of cooking. It was fabulous- time-saving, tasty, and like a Mercedes Benz.

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