Since I've made it my focus I might as well make my blog focus on it too. I will try to post some photos of the dish-delish macro-vegan food that I end up making most nights. Lately it's been take-out and my life is sad. I'm also still living off of the five kinds of vegan cupcakes I made last weekend for my birthday: chocolate, spicy chocolate, dulce sin leche, gingerbread with lemon cream cheese frosting, and green tea. I think the green tea was the most disappointing because the cupcakes sank. The recipe called for soy yogurt and I think the variable amount of moisture in yogurt was the culprit. Though I have no proof of that. I like the gingerbread the best myself. For one because it included crystallized ginger pieces in the batter (which I swear just melted into the cupcake) and because of the cream cheese frosting. That frosting is the only reason I like carrot cake and to be able to make a vegan version is very exciting. My carrot cake life can live on! (Technically I never make carrot cake so this is a short lived life in that respect, but it's nice to know I could if I wanted to.) All these recipes came from the book "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World". Highly recommended for the beautiful cupcake photos, if nothing else.
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